René Bachmann
1 min read
22 Sep

Get to know the diversity of Chinese cuisine
Get to know the diversity of Chinese cuisineWe are delighted that Radio Lucerne has picked up our story and is supporting our campaign! A big thank you to Radio Lucerne for helping us to make the China Food Guide better known. This is exactly what this fascinating project needs.

China Foods Guide
Chinese cuisine is considered to be one of the most diverse in the world. However, its true diversity often remains hidden. With the new China Foods Guide, the China Foods Alliance aims to change this and bring China's culinary heritage closer to the Swiss population. The guide aims to provide an in-depth insight into China's eight regional cuisines and introduces Chinese restaurateurs in Switzerland. The report on the well-known local radio station Radio Lucerne was produced by the well-known Lucerne journalist Ronnie Hürlimann. Read the report

You can find the link to the crowdfunding here: Link

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